Узоры для пряжи Alize puffy
Опубликовано: 25.02.2019. Просмотров: 14084

Узоры для пряжи Alize puffy

Невероятно красивые узоры из пряжи Ализе Пуффи для вязание руками без спиц или крючка

Узоры для пряжи Alize puffy

It’s very easy to make patterned motifs with Puffy

Узоры для пряжи Alize puffy, описание:

1. Узор«Рис» - Moss Stitch

Pass the 10st stitch through the 9th stitch from back toward front and work as knit stitch. Take the 11nd stitch to the front of knitting and pass it through the 8th stitch from front toward back. So that the row is completed as purl stitch by taking the yarn to the front, and as knit stitch by taking it to the back (as a Moss stitch).
Do not reverse the knittingon the following rows.
Work from left to right, from right to left. For moss stitch; work knit stitches on purl stitches and purl stitches on knit stitches along knit length.

2. Лицевыепетли - Knit Stitch

Rotate the 8th stitch from right to left once. Pass the 9st stitch through the 8th stitch from back toward front. Work as knit stitch.
Work the other stitches in the same way by rotating in the same direction.
Do not reverse/ turn the knitting.
When the row ends, work this row by repeating the same procedure from left to right and from right to left.

3. Узор«ДвойнойРис» - DoubleMoss Stitch
Row 1: pass the 10st stitch through the 9th stitch from back toward front and work as knit stitch. Take the 11nd stitch to the front of knitting and pass it through the 8th stitch from front toward back. So that the row is completed as purl stitch by taking the yarn to the front, and as knit stitch by taking it to the back (as a Moss stitch).
Do not reverse the knittingon the following rows.
Row 2: Knit the Knits and Purl the Purls
Row 3: Knit the Purls and Purl the Knits
Row 4: Knit the Knits and Purl the Purls
Repeat 1-4 rows

4. Узор«Косы» - Сables pattern knit
Row 1: Knit stiches
Row 2: knit 1, *knit second st, knit first st, repeat from *.
Repeat 1-2 rows

5. Узор«Плетенка» - Basket Cable knitting pattern
Row 1: *knit second stunder the first, then knit first st, repeat from *.
Row 2: slit 1, *knit second stoverthe first, then knit first st, repeat from *, slip last st.
Repeat 1-2 rows

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